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Cubism Editor

Cubism Editor・Viewer does not start or work properly(Windows)

2023/08/28 (Mon)
46 Helpful

If Cubism Editor・Viewer does not start or work properly, please follow the below steps.

For Mac, please check this page instead.
Cubism Editor・Viewer does not start or work properly(Mac)

Check the basic environment.

Does it meet the system requirements?

Visit the product page to see if all system requirements are met.
If any of these are missing, Cubism Editor may not work properly.
System Requirements – Live2D Cubism Product page

Is Cubism Editor version up-to-date?

Visit the Update History page and check if your installed Cubism Editor is the latest version.
If not, please update it.
Update History – Live2D Cubism Editor manual

Verify settings are appropriate.

Is Cubism Editor installed on the proper location?

Please check if Cubism Editor is installed properly on the below location.
【For release version】C:Program Files\Live2D Cubism X.X
【For beta version】C:Program Files\Live2D Cubism X.X beta
※Replace X.X with the name of the version you are using.

Run Cubism Editor as administrator

Windows sometimes run applications with the same privileges as a standard user even if the user is logged in as administrator.
As a result, some functions may be blocked and Cubism cannot work properly.
Make sure you are running Cubism as administrator.

Run Cubism Editor as administrator at all timed

Right-click CubismEditorX.exe and choose “Property” from the menu.

Open ”Compatibility” tab and place a check mark in “Run as administrator” option. Click Apply and OK to keep the settings.

※The setting method may differ depending on your environment.
For details, please contact the distributor of your OS.

Is Windows account username proper?

If there is any spaces or specific symbols in Windows account username, Cubism Editor does not start properly.
Make sure your logined account is proper.

Delete Custom Theme

If you use Windows Custom Theme, it might prevent Cubism Editor starting properly.
Please reset fully or delete the custome theme and check if Cubism Editor can start properly.

Check graphics settings.

Check graphics processor usage

Cubism Editor does not support operation in an onboard graphics (internal graphics processor) environment.
Even if you have a graphics board, Cubism Editor may not work properly if onboard graphics is used due to preferences. Please check your graphics processor settings.

How to switch graphics processor
(For NVIDIA graphics board)



Right-click on an empty area on the desktop and open “NVIDIA Control Panel” from the menu.



Open “3D Settings Management” in NVIDIA control panel, and check “preferred graphics processor”.
Choose “High Performance NVIDIA Processors”.


・”Automatic selection” – Switching between graphics board and onboard graphics automatically.
・”High Performance NVIDIA Processors” – Prioritize graphics board.
・”Integrated Graphics” – Prioritize onboard graphics.


※The setting method may differ depending on your environment.
For details, please contact the distributor of your OS or devices.

Is Graphics Driver version up-to-date?

Please update Graphics Driver if it is not up-to-date.

Check configuration files.

Delete Configuration Files

Deleting Cubism Editor configuration file may solve the problem.
Please follow the below steps.

  1. 1.Open the file below. This “Live2D” file stores the various setting information.
  2. 2.Copy and Paste this “Live2D” folder into an easily accessible location, such as the desktop, to save a backup.
    In the case problem occurs after deleting the file or contact us for further assistance, this backup file is required to investigate.
  3. 3.Delete entire “Live2D” folder in the location opened in step 1.
  4. 4.Check if Cubism Editor starts properly.
Activate using BAT file.

A BAT file (batch file) is a file that contains commands to the computer in text form, and is included in the same folder as the EXE file (executable file).
If it fails to start Cubism Editor from an EXE file, use this BAT file to command the computer to start.
Please keep using if Cubism Editor starts this way.
Although the method of activation differs, rest assured that the contents of the Cubism Editor application will remain the same.


Start directly from the BAT file

  1. 1.Double-click CubismEditorX.bat to open files.
  2. 2.A black window at the command prompt will open and a string of text will appear.
  3. 3.Cubism Editor will start automatically after a while.
  4. 4.Check if Cubism Editor starts properly.
  5. 5.If it fails to start or operation is unstable, exit the command prompt and Cubism Editor.
    Then take step 1~4 in CubismEditorX_d3d.bat

※For Viewer, open the Viewer’s BAT file.
※In Cubism 5.0.00 beta1, step 5 should be done with CubismEditorX_nod3d.bat for CubismEditorX_d3d.bat.

Rewrite the name of BAT file to start

If it is unable to start the program directly from the BAT file, try starting it by rewriting the name of the BAT file.

  1. 1.Open the following Directory in Explorer
    【For release version】C:\Program Files\Live2D Cubism X.X
    【For beta version】C:\Program Files\Live2D Cubism X.X beta
  2. 2.Rename the file CubismEditorX.bat to CubismEditorX_backup.bat
  3. 3.Rename the file CubismEditorX_d3d.bat to CubismEditorX.bat
  4. 4.Double-click CubismEditor.exe to start Cubism Editor.
  5. 5.Check if Cubism Editor starts properly.

※Replace X with the name of the version you are using.
※For Viewer, replace Editor with Viewer.
※In Cubism 5.0.00 beta1, for step 3, change the file name of CubismEditorX_nod3d.bat to CubismEditorX.bat.

Contact Support

If there is no improvement after checking all of Steps 1~5, there may be some problems.
Please report this from the official Live2D Creators Forum with details of your device information.
We might ask you to submit log.txt. to check further, please be prepared.
Live2D Creators Forum
How can I check log.txt? – Live2D Help

Unnable to extract log.txt

If the log file does not exist and cannot be extracted, use the following procedure to obtain fault information from the command prompt.

  1. 1.Click Start → Windows System Tools → Command Prompt.
  2. 2.Copy and Paste the following strip into the command prompt and press Enter.
    【For release version】cd “C:\Program Files\Live2D Cubism X.X”
    【For beta version】cd “C:\Program Files\Live2D Cubism X.X beta”
  3. 3.Copy and Paste the following strip into the command prompt and press Enter.
  4. 4.A string is output to the command prompt and the Cubism Editor is automatically launched.
  5. 5.Copy and Paste all strings output to the command prompt and save as a text file.
    First, click on the icon in the upper left corner of the command prompt window to open the menu.
    Then click Edit → Select All strings.
    In addition, select Copy from the same menu above.
  6. 6.Paste it into Notepad or other applications and save it as a text file.

※Replace X with the name of the version you are using.
※For Viewer, replace Editor with Viewer.

“OpenGL initialization failed. Please make sure that your computer meets the system requirements.” appears and activation fails. 

The following are possible causes. Follow the directions in Step 3 on this page to verify your environment and settings.

  • ・Graphics environment of your device does not meet Cubism Editor system requirements
  • ・Onboard graphics are used instead of graphics board due to graphics processor settings
  • ・Graphics driver version is not up-to-date
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