If you are experiencing problems with license activation due to a -103 or -105 error, please check the following.
For Devices Using a Proxy:
Network Permission Settings
For environments that use proxies such as companies, schools, etc., please allow access to port 80 for the following domain:
Editor Proxy Settings
When using a proxy, the Editor must also be properly configured for proxying. Please refer to herefor more detailed information on how to configuring the Editor for Proxies.
For Devices Not Using a Proxy
If you have configured Proxy settings for the Editor on a device that does not use a proxy, delete those settings. For more information about Proxy settings, please click here.
Furthermore, please make sure that there are no unnecessary proxies listed in the environment variables, and if there are, delete them.
Check Security Software and Network Devices
PC security software, firewalls, or network devices such as UTM may be blocking or encrypting the Cubism Editor connection. Please check these settings, and try closing any such software, or adding Cubism Editor as an exception.
Please allow network access to port 80 for the following domain:
Change Network Connection and/or PC
Change Network Environment
Please try connecting from a different network than the one you are currently using, such as through tethering or a VPN.
Change LAN Connection Method
If you are connected to a wireless LAN, the authentication may time out due to slow network connection speeds, so please try a wired LAN connection.
Try with a Different PC
Please try activation using a different PC from the one you are currently using.
Setting Environment Variables
If network speed is extremely slow, authentication will time out.
Please follow the instructions below to extend the timeout period by setting an environment variable.
For Windows
*Replace “XX” in the steps below with the version number you are using.
if exist ProxyConfig.bat call ProxyConfig.bat
Open Cubism Editor.
For macOS
Start the standard macOS terminal.
% cd ~
% echo $SHELL
% ls -a
[In the case of /bin/zsh] .zprofile
* Please note that the profile name must be prefixed with a “.” (period) at the beginning when creating a new one.
If the problem persists after trying the above settings, please refer to the help page below and contact us with both “log.txt” and “RLM_DIAGNOSTICS.log” attached to the inquiry.