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Student Discount

Is there an academic license? (Student Discount Program)

2019/05/08 (Wed)
49 Helpful

The Live2D Student Discount Program was started in 2020 for students and teachers.
Students and teachers can use this program to purchase a 3-year license at 76% off the regular price.

The Live2D Student Discount Program is available from the following Live2D Store sites.
• Japan:
• English:
• China:

Applicable product: Live2D Cubism PRO for indie 3-Year Plan
Students and faculty who meet the requirements in the Student Discount Program Terms and Conditions are eligible. * The features are exactly the same as the regular version and it can be used at a discount price for 3 years.
* Only available for the Live2D Cubism PRO for indie 3-Year Plan. (This plan does not automatically renew.)

How to apply for the Student Discount

Step 1
Application for Student Discount
Enter the required information in the application form.
Click here to apply for the Live2D Student Discount Program.
Step 2
Authentication using a school email address
A coupon will be issued to you the same day. Check the email contents.
The email will contain the coupon code.
If you do not receive the email, please contact us using the contact form.
Step 2
ISIC Verification
We review your application based on the submitted documents.
Please note that it may take up to 5 to 6 business days for the process.
You will receive the result by email.
If you do not receive the email, please contact us using the contact form.

Step 3
Using the coupon and purchasing a license

Visit the Live2D Store, select the Live2D Cubism PRO for indie 3-Year Plan, and proceed to the purchase process.

Live2D Store

Be sure to apply the coupon code that you were issued at this time.

Enter the coupon code and click the [Use a coupon] button.

After checking that the coupon was applied, click the [Check out with above.] button.

For details, see the “I want to use a coupon.” FAQ.

Once the license is issued, you can use it immediately.

To all educational institutions
Live2D Education Aid Program (LEAP) provides a free PRO license to members of educational institutions is available. See here for details.
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